FLIGHT 20 AUGUSTUS 2016 Natour Asse – Zellik

The air was lost from Asse-Zellik ± 160 km , the pigeons are released to 09.15 with a hefty SSW wind, and also the weather was good to us. It looked as Friday that it could be rainy, we had no problems on the flight. So again a good release. You know that will be flown hard with this wind. Pigeons have the forme and navigation have good standing can still sometimes surprised at high speeds around 100 mph more, and just drop on the valve. That was also the case with the flight speed of the 1st pigeon from our union was something more like 98 km per hour. The first pigeon in the circle had a speed of 99.3 km per hour. I myself had all the pigeons basketed both late , The early youngsters and all hens total 37 pieces and 1 injured left at home. You always hope for a surprise again, more I can do given the course of the last flights. As I wrote before I want to play all the pigeons that make a selection (a rigorous selection). So in my case, you can expect you of all your pigeons but it must also be realistic, what you insert you get back is an often heard saying. Well in my case I can not get the right amount of time insertion especially considering how the sport is experienced today, We sometimes say that the sport graying and that almost no young growth comes. It is a given that there is increasingly asked to perform well with the pigeons , There is patched more often (drove the pigeons) to keep them in form, This is certainly the case with the youngsters and the late tour. The champions are also mostly men who can spend the day much time on their pigeons (tag, Watch buggy) or are single devotees all the free time they can devote to the pigeon. What it does well and what you see are increasingly combinations enthusiasts who join forces in order forces and especially (free) joining time. A combination may positively affect the future of the sport in my vision . As I wrote join forces i.a.. free time , vacations , family friendly , costs are shared so the sport remains affordable. Because the cost aspect is also increasingly assume greater proportions, this in combination with the (free) time that goes into, it does not really tempting to go on your own to practice the sport especially if you want to perform well every week. But try the sport just to modernize, to adapt to the standards of that time will not be easy with the established order that is now. This generation wants to keep the sport like as it is now, they are afraid of innovation and performance and thereby undermining their status is, jealously wish they stick with the old. Stick to something that they know that the sport's head cost but hey they most sandwiches on, or as my dad always says “they have most shitting shit”. So a little “it will last my time thinking”. The associations are increasingly struggling to get enough members together to in baskets for domestic flights(7 pieces) . It is occasionally though not easy 5 Members get together for regular flights. Increasingly, there is recourse to the so-called sacrificial dove (which is a pigeon from a member that is basketed to achieve the minimum number of members required putted for the relevant flights). With pain and effort than we have 5 of 7 membership, 2 baskets full of pigeons and 2 residual man met 4 of 5 pigeons. In front of 4 Baskets is a pigeon container 20 meters long street in driving the clubhouse, if 4 to pick up baskets with pigeons (why high costs). Let us abandon this happen, let the birds go in baskets in the shed where the truck is, and let's turn the clock in the club house and there to congratulate the winner. The clubhouse is maintained his position for any other purpose clubhouse,(exhibition, meeting, party honoring champions. and of course all kinds of activities in the off-season. There are many more opportunities for the sport to revitalize and adapt to the standards of the future. But having said this, I want to return to flight, as I said I had 37 pigeons my first dove hen was the same as last week and was again going to go in there right then four minutes later, the 2nd pigeon on the valve sat down they were like last week again clocked the same time en 10.59.23 my 3rd pigeon, a young hen's play 10.59.52 I also had 5 me 16 pigeons within the next 10 pigeons were 10 na nr minutes 16 on the valve. My 1st and 2nd pigeon were respectively 32 in 33 and was my 3rd pigeon 35 in association. In the circle 1st pigeon from our association had the 4th place , all in all a great achievement. This I also have to say I had my pigeons yesterday buddy Tonnie still on the line and he asked how I let it run my first birds I then gave 10.49.23 i.p.v 10.59. 23 a slip off the tongue so to speak, or perhaps “The wish is father to the thought”. I hope we come to see us that the sport needs change. “With every change there are dropouts, but also offer again opportunities for new insights and opportunities for any new birds coaches. I wish you luck with the preparation of the last young bird race and natourvlucht. And I hope again for the best for everyone. Until next week again.

All the winners warmest congratulations

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