- UPDATE 09 OCTOBER 2020 FINAL STANDING AND CHAMPIONSHIPS 2020 CIRCLE AND REGIONclick on the link below for the championships dept 8 South East circle 3 results circle and region 2020
- UPDATE 07 OCTOBER 2020 FINAL CHAMPIONSHIPS 2020 WINGED FRIENDS “click on the link below for the championships “Winged Friends” Millingen ad Rijn FINAL STANDING FRIENDS 2020
- UPDATE 28 FEBRUARY 2020 PIGEONS , CULTURE AND WHAT COMES NEXT TO TABLE (wvttk) It's almost March, the culture is still in progress. Some enthusiasts flying the first guy all around the house. Would be the buggy enthusiasts? Noooo will never !!!!!!. But you never know. In any case, another beautifulā¦ read more
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Webmaster: Marcel Heinen