Youngsters race from Duffel 9 July

For me the first young bird race, as I wrote last week I had left the youngsters home. So it felt to me this week, a bit like the moment of truth. Were the birds recovered sufficiently from all 2 the training flights that had no spectacular progress and decent work had many losses (total 18 pieces stayed away.) There are now more 21 Young pigeons in the loft which 3 injured birds that I could not and would play. I had the youngsters last week 2 time itself taken away 1 time on Monday ± 10 km the pigeons were 7 min and at home 1 time on Wednesday ± 40 km the pigeons were 30 min home, on 2 after that stood after an hour on the clock. Both times had a good drilling. The pigeons regain confidence when you go buggy after a few lesser flee several times within a short distance IMHO. And they have more self-confidence was to see everything, they trained well, went well and a long way short, a wonderful sight to see. So there was nothing more in the way 18 young basketing pigeons for their 1st prize flight. So Tonnie said so on Friday came by to see the youngsters are together once the pigeons looked perfect no doubt !! Just basketing and hope for a good homecoming. The pigeons were released to 10.30 from Duffel. the WSW wind was so there reasonable speeds can be achieved.. Tonnie would come over to wait with the pigeons, He did something 12 .00 hours they can fall so he said switch. I I've already said 3 to sit!!!! . The first pigeon fell to 11.53 on the valve, For us that was a surprise my wife and I sat outside the coffee, when we 794 cutting down on the valve. Or an early bird, I did not know at that time. It lasted 6 minutes before the next 2 Being on the cover and then again 8 minute wait for the 2 following after 3 minutes fly were on the valve. With fifteen minutes 5 pigeons at home for me was a confirmation that the birds were in good order. Times I knew nothing else and Tonnie went here and there to ask around, of 794 I on 11.53 clocked could ever be a reasonable early bird in the circle. net na 13.00 am I 13 pigeons home from the 18 that gave me a really good feeling, and the prevailing feeling about what if I could have an early bird. Anyway, the first pigeon was clocked at the club 11.51 and this was also a good performance in the 2nd circuit. Of 794 was 4th in the association and 8th in the circle a top result it felt to me with the doves as a victory. Total in the association 3 awards. The clock was at our club 11 minutes so close in 11 minutes all price pigeons out. In the circle I had 7 of the 18 the prices so I'm very happy and hope it gives a lot of hope for the next flight. At the time I write this, I still 2 youngsters have and I hope there again the best of. As you may have read the 794 (youngster) a pup 695 which was the first to Chateroux. Whether it is a coincidence, the future will tell but I have confidence in. I'm going success and best wishes with the preparations for the next flight (Asse-Zellik us ) good luck and see you next week again.

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