My father was a brick factory worker (a brick maker) and many more with him. In the 1930s and 1940s it was a hard and poor existence. The brick factories in the polders were usually located close to a river. The workers often lived right next to or in the vicinity of the various brick factories. It was mostly shabby, heavy, unskilled and undervalued profession for which young children and women were also employed. In the years after the war, the workers slowly improved with the arrival of machines. As a result, the heaviest work was taken off your hands. But I can safely say that brickworks worker was one of the toughest professions at that time. The war, of course, had taken its toll. It cost many victims and entire cities were bombed to the ground. The brick factories had to run at full capacity to meet the demand for bricks and working weeks 80 up to 100 hours were quite normal. The brick factories benefited from the reconstruction, which was especially visible at the villas, country houses and huts of the owners. The workers were also allowed to benefit from the “prosperity”. Very small workers' houses were built where the workman was allowed to live as long as he worked at the brick factory. If you were ill for more than a year or if you died, you had to make room for the next worker. They were very small houses with a kitchen and room (in one room) 1 bedroom downstairs and 2 bedrooms upstairs, they did their washing in a zinc tub and the poop box was outside. Just behind the kitchen was the pig pen and it was vital. The pig had almost as much space as the whole family (often 8 up to 16 persons) together. In the 60is In the 1970s, working conditions for workers gradually improved. Machines took over even more of the heavier work and the workers and their families also had more time for other things. But it often remained necessary, like fishing the own vegetable garden once in a while and the catch went down the pan. Because there were often so many mouths to feed, these were often used for personal consumption. I grew up near and on the brick factory, you couldn't imagine a nicer playground and that's where I came into contact with the pigeons(sport). The brick factory was a great place for lost and exhausted pigeons. They often sat under the hood near the oven because it was nice and warm there. The pigeons could get to the floor above the ovens through an opening under the hood, where workers eat their beans, peas, corn and onions left to dry, so there was enough food for the pigeons to gain strength. The pigeon sport had meanwhile made its appearance and was also very popular among the brick factory worker. And so the exhausted and stray pigeons with a fixed foot ring were also very popular among the pigeon fanciers. Many a pigeon has been caught and ended up in the pigeon lofts of the brick factory men. Sometimes to fly with or to breed, especially pigeons with a foreign ring were in great demand and were of course the best pigeons (little changed with the present time). At the club where the pigeon fanciers meet, people always talked about the reception pigeons at de'Nove over a drink ( The Oven, as the factory was called) But pigeons were not only intended for the races, the best stayed put and the latecomers ended up in the pigeon soup. In the 1970s and 1980s, the modernization of the brickworks moved quickly. The activities and working hours became more pleasant, so there was more time to do the pigeon sport. In my experience, those were the heydays of the pigeon sport in our region. Associations of 40 a’ 50 playing members were no exception and they took part in the races to their heart's content. I remember that the local coal merchant won a car in a race from Barcelona or St.Vincent. That was big news of course and the coal farmer was The King Of The World and world famous in our village. Two weeks later this top pigeon had to be raced again, on the next race. The pigeon was completely full and would sometimes show what it could do. Nothing could be further from the truth, they never saw the top pigeon in question again. I remember that I secretly hoped that the pigeon was sitting in the warmth in a brick factory somewhere under the hood and feasting on beans, peas and corn, to come home afterwards. not so!!!  As my mother used to be “You should not increase your wealth but decrease your greed, that makes you a happier person” . I will say again the next time.


When we sold our house a few years ago, we temporarily moved to a retirement home, or as they call it here a senior luxury apartment complex. Now these luxury apartments are home to residents who have generally never saved to get money into their bank account, their bank account was already filled to the brim at birth. (the only thing they have saved are airline miles). You can see from everything that these people grew up in luxury. The majority still have a worker (that's what it's still called) that come from 1 times until 5 work once a week and serve as company in the lost hours. But when family or friends come to visit, the apron has to be put back on and the worker is back in the kitchen with full dedication to provide the visitors with tea or coffee and the accompanying chocolate or biscuit.. This apartment complex also has a chic restaurant (overlooking the forest garden) where you can order “á la carte” with the accompanying wine arrangement. There is also a cinema (cinema) a fitness room where you can exercise under the supervision of an instructor and a beauty salon. There is also a meeting room where church and receptions are held. And don't forget the garden room (the place to be)  where after dinner while enjoying a Whiskey , Chardonay or sometimes also a bubble, piano and bridge are played. Last week I arrived at our temporary home address around ten o'clock in the evening. I parked the car at the back entrance of the complex, When I got out I noticed that I had forgotten the keys to our apartment. I was standing by the car and heard the cheerful tones of the piano echoing through the twilight evening from the garden room. While I took a small pigeon basket from the car, I realized that the garden doors were open otherwise you wouldn't be able to hear the piano outside very well. I didn't think twice and with the pigeon basket in hand I walked towards the garden room where the doors were indeed open so I could walk to our apartment via this road.. When I walked in I was approached by a stately lady with silver-gray hair and a beautiful cobalt blue silk blouse., beige linen trousers and silver mules with bows. She asked me in an imperious tone where the trip was going. I told her that we were living here temporarily and that I had forgotten the key, and wanted to walk to our apartment through the garden room. She looked at me and then asked what was in that basket, I told her that I had racing pigeons and that I had brought some young pigeons for an acquaintance. Oh, she said, "Do they still exist?" My husband also used to have carrier pigeons, she continued. We were still living in our villa “Et Porta Coeli” at the time. (which means gate to heaven)  she continued, My husband kept racing pigeons on the top floor of the villa, whom he also allowed to participate in competitions, which he did not do unluckily. Together with a friend veterinarian, they spent hours in the pigeon enclosure philosophizing about pigeons. My husband said them, was convinced that only healthy pigeons could perform and regularly called in the help of his friend veterinarian. I have also heard them talk about remedies that made the pigeons fly faster and have longer endurance. With a smile she said that her husband was a passionate pigeon fancier, who saw performance decline after the death of a friend veterinarian. A year after his death he stopped pigeon racing. He could no longer share his passion. During our last move, she continued, I came across pigeon carriers and clocks in the garage. I also found a booklet with all kinds of numbers and detailed descriptions of the pigeons and prizes they had won. She looked a little ahead and sighed, everything has been thrown on the container, nothing has been preserved. Are there still many pigeon fanciers, she asked, I told her that membership numbers had rapidly declined in recent years. I further told her that the Dutch Racing Pigeon Organization is working hard to adapt pigeon racing to current standards.. She looked at me and said I hope it will work. The pianist had listened a bit during our conversation and when I walked out of the garden room he accompanied me musically with the song “all pigeons on the dam”. Later, as I sat on the couch in our apartment, I wondered what remedies the frozen vet had already managed to produce., to influence the performance of the pigeons. As my mother sometimes said, “a bad performance is also an achievement and a prelude to doing better next time. I will say again the next time.



It's almost March, the culture is still in progress. Some enthusiasts flying the first guy all around the house. Would be the buggy enthusiasts? Noooo will never !!!!!!. But you never know. In any case, there will be again a good time for the pigeon-fancier. If all goes well, the birds selected and we will prepare ourselves for the upcoming racing season. Our club is a veterinarian this year. The members can participate voluntarily in an investigation of 4 pigeons and droppings and further, there are also several opportunities to vaccinate the pigeons. I find it a good initiative if it meets here at the club and there resistance because some members feel that they have to and settled or worse still looked to expose themselves and their birds ailing. I personally think it is a good thing and that as a club and adult members here to deal with it. This way you have a better understanding about the health of your pigeons and if necessary you can well before the racing season yet what to do. It is also an activity of the club where the racers again to talk about the culture, The new racing season and everything to do with the sport.


In recent weeks there has been aired on TV series “Our boys in Java” My father has 3 in former Ned Indies served . I have over this period once wrote a piece. Now to the broadcast on TV about the war. I believed in memory of my father put this on my site again Column. Especially since it has now become much more clear about the battle that had to make the military. Not against their opponents but also with itself.

For Queen and Country

4 in 5 May be commemorated throughout the Netherlands in various ways. Similarly, in the village where I woon.Afgelopen week was a note on the mat at my home. It was a personal invitation from the local herdenkingscomité. This committee, composed of five people for years organized the commemoration for people in our village who are deceased during various wars, or were killed during combat. It's a nice meeting is taking place on the square. The memorial will be entertained by the local brass band and the local choir. There are also some notables and villagers through singing, stories and poems shine their light on the events and impact during the war(in).

Well it happens that my father for years has been involved in this club because he and a number of Dutch East Indies veterans had survived the war and thus have commemorated their fallen comrades. Since the death of my father we as family each year a personal invitation to come are full of pink blossom to under the big tree, to the memorial to attend. Every year when the invitation is on the mat, I think back to the conversation I had with my father about his 3 years in the Dutch East Indies.

It was just after the 2and world war my father was summoned (and many with him) to far from home to defend our colony for "Queen and Country". And as my father said afterwards that this was the biggest nonsense he had heard. He told them in Ermelo in a time of six weeks, trained in the snow, were primed to do the job! There was just not enough military clothing after World War II stock, only slightly higher in rank had uniforms. The boys walked in front of a Terlenka pants with woolly socks that was done on the legs to do a little bit of a tough soldier to appear. Of (super-trained) men were put hundreds on a big pirate and to (east) transported Dutch East Indies. To be unleashed there in a land far from home without family and with the World War II in mind.

After the Japanese surrender urges the Government of Indonesia in the independence. Netherlands Ned.Indië would like to retain and send several battalions Hunters and Grenadiers to participate in military actions. It was also the First Division 7 December set up a Task Force rests, restore order and security. My father was stationed with his battalion in East Java near the beautiful Surabaya. Far from home in a very different culture and tropical climate they were stationed in Sumenep to get into a horrifying anti-guerrilla war. In a war situation far from home to your service measurements family and creates lifelong friendships. Such was also the case for my father. From this period he has until his death to two great friendships on account, which one of them a very special bond. They were on patrol and had to cross the river via a bridge, During the crossing, they came under fire and my father hit the water with heavy packs. He landed and the heavy load in the flow could keep my father out of the water. A dozen meters further on the river has his service customization pulled it to the hair above the water and to the side. And so my father, when she was a patrol with their carrier in Mathews (half-track) ran a roadside bomb and there were several dead and wounded service dimensions. He has ensured that entered the living as well as possible and hidden safety. He took all hand weapons 10 km away to get help, so his fallen comrades and wounded service could be retrieved.

Years later 1995 my father is honored for this action to Wear Insignia wounded. "VULNERATUS NEC VICTUS" which means wounded but not defeated. This badge is only in Netherlands 1990 set and has the same value as the Purple Heart in the US Army. This badge has he earned and received through the intercession of his close friend and service dimension "Piet Boon".

I did my best pigeon named this guy "Piet Boon 902" This man came from an illustrious pigeon family in Alblasserdam and he and his family were also very appreciative that I have named the dove at him and a photograph of've had to make. This has given a prominent place in his home. Both men are unfortunately deceased on both 86 age.

I want to stand up for this almost extinct generation Indies goers who were sent to the World War II in their heads to a distant foreign land to fight there for "Queen and Country". In order to return and later to be reviled by public opinion. And as my father also said, For God and Country, We were scared and were homesick and wanted to somehow survive. Many of these men came back traumatized. There was still nothing from PTSD, therefore no guidance. They themselves had managed to find their way, see and handle all their memories and events. We as children of these soldiers have been brought to their fears and traumas, something I later came back and only noticed it nevertheless has had some impact in your life.

Fortunately there for the soldiers now broadcast sufficient attention and guidance as they return from a mission. So that people can tell their story and where necessary get help.

And as my mother would say,; "Your father has had eight years of war and hiding rest of his life sitting. I will say again the next time.

In memory of my father and all the fallen (spacious 6000) and all survivors, which is not the concept got what they deserved back in the Netherlands.


Peter van Fulp



From a sunny Madeira (land of love and sunshine as Eddy Christiano). I sit in the morning sun with sea and not least a cup of coffee. The first few days of a holiday is it to acclimatize and relax. And precisely at times when more comes to rest. Come naturally the thoughts about your work, private and also on the last pigeon season. For me personally I had a bit of a racing season with the old birds with here and there a prize but it was also. In contrast with the youngsters was a nice season with different kopprijsjes, with a nice finishing position. What I myself almost after every racing season wonder is "how many years more will follow"? You hope, of course, as much as possible, but how realistic is that! In recent years you decline the members numbers in sports. And the question is how you get new members. What I notice despite this decline, it seems they are becoming more selfish. Maybe it's also because there are fewer members and selfishness than to emphasize. Or could it really be so? I read a lot and listen also like to know what to tell other fanciers have. So I spoke to last a fancier who made themselves quite angry had been reading an article in a pigeon sheet and cringe in his shoes. It was a (great champion) write about himself that he is honest and humble!!!!. And that was not the worst he continued. He was annoyed that he especially rondbazuinde he was back at the champions this year with the youngsters without playing his best pigeons. I wonder how humble you are!!!. And also how do you know if you (other) pigeons plays that are your best pigeons???? I think false humility is a better qualification of the person he assiduously continue. could this (champion) really think that the pigeon fanciers who had read a story fell on their mind. "I do not think so", he concluded his tale. I told him that most champions do not flaunt that this arrogance. But he nevertheless spans the crown began the man again. Envy as they talk about when they get criticized. But that is not you can be a topmelker but that does not mean you're a fine fellow fancier. You must remember he said, People often do not hate the person, but above all his behavior. He really is not immodest and integrity he ended this man does everything for personal gain. I also later read the relevant part and indeed I came over a bit of the same feeling. What I wonder myself than. Could this man be (modest) reputation have realized what this does to fellow fanciers. Or is his selfishness and ego so big that everything must yield to his own gain. What I also wonder if this critical texts would also be published in a pigeon magazine. I think it would be good because that's pigeon anno 2019. Between all the great stories of achievements and champions can also be quite a cautionary note. That's pigeon racing and reality. There will always be people who might feel drawn, but that is all there is written. It might sometimes be good to me more stories to publish a cautionary note. So that we are put to think about everything that has to do with the sport. And maybe those who are attracted feel there can profit from them. And as my mother ever said "spare the rod and spoil the child" I will say again the next time.

11 October 2019

Holidays! I was really ready!!! I hear sometimes that around around me. People often live for a holiday, and the closer the holidays get, the more tired you become. When finally the holiday has come there sometimes got in the car. And gas on the lollipop to drive 12oo kilometers of a tug (liefts even with a caravan in tow) to be just as fast as possible to their destination. Gosh what I'm tired!!!! you hear them cry. Does your crazy? I think one professional driver has to 7 hour or so take a break and the woman / man with the luxury car and caravan coats at a stretch. I like going on vacation always those moments of stress whether you bike, car or plane is the remains stress. For me, the holiday really begins when I'm at the place of destination, I unpacked the suitcases, the bed have tested and then a drink with it. Only then begin enjoying real and you can get the holiday feeling of everything and does nothing. Unless there is my wife who has read all the brochures and nearly a schedule for the whole week we have made to. The holiday feeling is sometimes quite a challenge to adjust the schedule a bit but then takes over the stress. Of course my wife right when she says that we are going to see everything just the pace of it we still sometimes disagree. We go for several years as a couple (our daughters 23 in 25 will not count) They have their own planning and a good thing. It is also handy to fit than the cats and our dog, they watch the pigeons (not totally unimportant) and the house. Although we girls like to have around us is also a nice feeling that they guard the fort. My pigeons mate Tonnie goes every day to check on the pigeons that there are no crazy things. And now we are talking about the pigeons. I've had a lot of fun racing season especially with the youngsters. The only blemish is to be the losses of the youngsters. I was with 37 youngsters started and am with 18 finished. But the youngsters I've flown it more than well done and I am very satisfied. Also, for the addition is that fine. As it now looks like I ± 7 a 8 cocks and hens rest. I am particularly pleased with the number of cocks. (In 2018 had I 12 youngsters about which 3 cocks.) So for next year is my loft terms of cocks stuffed. With a little luck I 8 cages filled with cocks that I can attach to pretty young hens. This way I want to play on double widowhood. I want to 2020 my yearlings still leave more funds than last year because it was not in terms of performance “je seven”. Patience store that's the main thing I'm a loft under construction. Two years ago, started again in a new location and also during a mega renovation. End 2019 and beginning 2020 is tackling the backyard planning so there is a lot of work to do. I hope these have a long waiting before the racing season starts. I write this from my holiday address on Madeira where it's lovely weather 25 degrees nice sunshine. I was just told that I should hurry up a bit. Today the funicular to planning to fly down after the Toboggan. A kind of woven cane sleigh, where you whiz down a hallway murder. So I'm curious. Tonight also runs the sales receipts of Knec off on duivennet. Still a nice initiative and for the fans. I will say again the next time. And as they say in Madeira “HAVE A NICE DAY” which means a very happy day to you.

Update 29 september 2019

In connection 2018 I have again this year had a wonderful youngsters season culminating nominated 3rd and 5th champion youngsters middle distance in div 8 circuit SE and 4th best ace 19-1257512 (Alfred Strijker) 25e nominated and 16th designated area Fly SO GOU

3 september 2019

The racing season is almost at, Here and there some cake flights and so we end an eventful racing season again. With highs and lows. The important thing is that we have again become wiser about our pigeons. Where better pigeons come from and what birds you have surprised. It's a prelude to next season, because as soon as it goes into the sport. The flights have become in recent stocktaking, will be selected to appear at the starting line as good as possible next year. The question posed by many fans is of course the flight program. There is much to do in recent years been. But what is wisdom.? The biggest problem in my view lies flights to the youngsters. As a saying goes without youth no future. In recent years, the losses among the youngsters have only increased and nobody could or could really put their finger. The remedy has been for many enthusiasts to flee the youngsters on the natoer to play with and generally with great success. The losses were and are significantly less ( exceptions). Hence my belief and argument to evaporate flights youngsters from August. The track has already launched a renewed flight program proposal. For me a very acceptable proposal. By finishing the discipline flights between space for a weekend. Whatever was in the proposal, to dissipate the youngsters from early August. I think it's worth more as well that the NPO and all control this proposal will seriously check. This week a survey Phantom Der Champions attached where you can specify your preferences in terms of flight program. I'm hoping for a massive participation so we upcoming season with all the innovations in the flight program and the sport can build a positive stroke. With fewer losses and thus more fun in the sport, all disciplines. For me it's been a nice year in terms of achievement. The old birds occasional small price. In contrast, went with the youngsters a lot better. The association nominated 2nd and 3rd also designated the 2nd / 9th and 10th best pigeon in the middle distance JD. In Circuit onaangwezen 3rd and 5th nominated and 4th best ace all the JD Middle Distance. On Sens still a 1st in the association and the circuit. On Melun 2nd in the association and in the circle. I am with 37 youngsters play and finished with 18 youngsters. During the training flights 18 youngsters lost. so with 19 pigeons started the 2nd young bird race.(the first flight pass up i.v.m. coli) A total of slightly more than half lost. I hope that the NPO will be open to the fans and their proposals and ideas. I will say again the next time.

The heavy natoer flight N34 had with several fans after the turn of the clock still reasonable pigeons come home. In the days after the breakaway there are many pigeons many fans honored. Flight N35 had the same release point as N34. So had many lovers chose not to play all or part of the pigeons pigeons on N35. Especially considering the heavy flight of the previous week. So that explains in part why there were significantly fewer N35 birds competing.



The natoer flights progressing steadily, I remain very interested in the progress of these flights. Especially because many youngsters are played on these flights. As I mentioned in Part 1 in 2 wrote I am committed to flights commencing with the youngsters in August. The reason for this is, the losses are considerably fewer flights compared to the youngsters that are gone from May. Take now N33 flight this was a weekend where it has only rained. It started with the middle distance race for the youngsters. These were basketed Thursday and released on Friday i.v.m. the predicted bad weather. This flight is otherwise well-expired. The natoer Friday was basketed to be released Saturday. But as already predicted the weather was the spoilsport and the flights were postponed to Sunday or completely delayed in some cases. The pigeons so stayed overnight before, something that is only allowed by the youngsters of the regulations in the 3and flight. For the experienced pigeons will be a night longer in the basket cause few problems. For all the youngsters on the natoer would probably be more difficult. Especially considering the teen tour who have passed the youths. Begun in beer Gehs, then to Duffel and then at the final unloading St. Job in Goor. At this point they have arrived late to wait until the afternoon before they could be unloaded. Of course you're back to wait pinched buttocks on your pigeons. Especially considering the weather and time (15.50 hour) Discharge. But nothing could be true. The flight had despite everything run smoothly and many fans had youngsters ahead. With me in the club, the prices were good 7 minutes lost. So even in difficult circumstances flights are the youngsters on the estate natoer flights home. I do not play the smart aleck, but the numbers simply do not lie. I also sit on me to ask what could be the drawbacks. For example, that the youngsters can fall into moult. I got there at basketing at our club on the light and there are indeed pigeons that have thrown some pins but the majority is still well in the spring. In addition, the birds are much more mature, beautiful full pigeons with gleaming necks which glow with health. Thus, the pigeons looked again for the next flight natoer N34. Many enthusiasts have played all youngsters because there was no young bird race. The weather forecasts were good, dry, sunny temperatures up 30 g and O - SE wind. And it is this wind can sometimes be a killjoy. If the O's in the wind and the sky looks clear blue. It is more difficult for youngsters to orient sight. It was not an easy flight for sure what the future youngsters. With me in the club was in decline 75% home. Most of which was not yet home were indeed later boy, only played on the natoer. The first 10 price pigeons were all youngsters and that was the general picture in the country, exceptions. What was typical for this flight was the news concerning the release. It was indicated that there i.v.m. high inversion certainly could not be redeemed for 9.00 hour. An hour later was stated that the pigeons 8.45 were solved!!. It was undoubtedly responsible for the pigeons 8.45 to solve. It just seems a bit clumsy. Especially when there pigeons remain, the release stated policy in this immediate discussion. I've called back several enthusiasts who still missed quite a few young natoer pigeons stalling. And it said that since the turn still remain pigeons trickle. So even in these difficult natoer flight shows that the losses are significantly less than flee with the youngsters. All the more reason to flee the youngsters to evaporate from August. In the interests of pigeon lovers and not insignificant for the total pigeon. I can not imagine that the NPO board does not take this seriously. We can not get around because the numbers do not lie. What would be the reason to take seriously the figures and the accompanying lovers?

I will say again the next time.