We zijn met ons bedrijf bezig met de renovatie van een oud monumentenpand in de oudste stad van Nederland. So it happened that this week the most famous singer of this city ( who is looking for happiness in the Kronenburgerpark and does not think black and white) walked past us and spoke to us. Hij zag dat wij monumenten glas aan het plaatsen waren in de raamkozijnen met stopverf. Hij stopte en hij vroeg aan mij of hij een bolletje stopverf mocht hebben om aan te ruiken. Hij rook heel intens aan de stopverf en vertelde dat hij zich weer een menneke van 10 jaar waande, de reuk van lijnolie gemengd met krijtpoeder. Het was een stukje nostalgie!! de reuk van lijnolie stopverf. Zo vertelde hij dat hij met een paar vriendjes aan het voetballen was en een ruitje in scherven hadden getrapt . De volgende dag was de schilder/glaszetter gekomen om een nieuw ruitje te komen zetten, hij had erbij staan te kijken en had een bolletje stopverf gekregen. Door de geur van de stopverf kwam deze nostalgische gebeurtenis bij hem terug. Ik zei nog tegen hem is deze gedachte iets voor een nieuwe tekst voor een liedje. Hij lachte en zei iets heel onverstaanbaars (zo onverstaanbaar als hij alleen kan zijn) En liep weer verder met het bolletje stopverf rollende tussen zijn vingers. Het was aan het einde van de dag en we gingen onze spulletjes opbergen in een oud schuurtje die bij dit woonhuis hoorde. Op een schap waar ik wat verfbussen neerzette stond een lege beugelfles toen ik wat beter keek zag ik dat het een Exotafles was. Exota die felgele en rood gekleurde limonade met een veelheid aan koolzuur. Ik dacht meteen terug aan de Exota tijd, het was hartje zomer en we gingen zwemmen bij ons in de buurt bij een grintgat (een baggergat waar veel grint in zat) Van mijn moeder kregen we dan een puckel (legertas) mee met daarin een flesje Exota gerold in papier om zo lang mogelijk koel te houden een zakje Smiths paprikachips en een Mekka (chocolade met rozijnen en krenten en stukjes noot erin) in een blauwe verpakking met fel rood-oranje letters en een half goudgele zon erachter. Deze producten zijn een stukje nostalgie waar je fijne herinneringen aan hebt en die je het gevoel terug aan deze tijd geven. Verdwenen ,vergeten en speciale merken die je de herinnering terug geven aan een vervlogen tijd. Zoals de eerste nieuwe fiets die ik kreeg toen ik naar het voortgezet onderwijs ging, dat was een gazellefiets en daar zat een stripboekje bij “Piet Pelle op zijn Gazelle” Deze jongeman maakt van alles mee op zijn Gazellefiets in verhalen en later in tekenfilms. Toen ik nog op de Gazellefiets rondreed had mijn buurjongen een nieuwe bromfiets gekocht, een Kreidler-Florett met een ei-tankje en 3 handversnellingen. Een prachtig roodglimmende bromfiets met een geel plastic bordje met Kreidler-Florett erop voor op het spatbord gemonteerd en achter het zadel een prachtig verchroomde bagagedrager. De andere buurman reed in een NSU Prinz 1000 , de motorklep zat aan de achterzijde en moest altijd op een kiertje staan in verband met het warm worden van de motor. Ook hoorde je bij de NSU een snerpend fluittoontje als de motor draaide. Mooie herinneringen aan mooi tijden en spullen zo kregen wij van Oma, als we daar op bezoek gingen een Kwatta reep dat was Chocolade met een gele of roze vulling erin. Het was een vrij dikke reep bestaande uit zes blokken die je stuk voor stuk kon afbreken en daarin zat de vulling, Als ik er aan denk vallen de vullingen nog uit de kiezen zo zoet was een Kwatta. In het weekend waren ook de duivenvluchten, ik ging dan een paar huizen verderop kijken bij een duivenmelker die zijn duiven zat op te wachten achter het huis op een bankje, waarvan hij een mooi uitzicht had op het duivenhok en de duiven al van verre aan zag komen. Als er dan een duif thuis kwam mocht er niet gesproken worden en al helemaal niet bewegen. Alleen de duivenmelker met stofjas aan en alpinopetje op mocht Aktie ondernemen, luid fluitend en roepend met een Buismanblikje in de hand met wat maïs korrels en erwten erin, rammelde hij net zolang tot dat de duif binnen in het hok zat en het Buismanblikje werd weer neergezet tot de volgende duif zich aandiende. Het zijn bijna allemaal verdwenen merken die bij veel mensen herinneringen terug brengen. Zoals mijn moeder weleens zei “Herinneringen komen uit het verleden, doe er je voordeel mee in de toekomst”.

I will say again the next time.


21 May 2019

Last Saturday I did not participate. A good customer celebrated her 80th birthday, the party started 16.00 and was celebrated in a hall in Bargercompascuüm and located in Drenthe. So we sat around 14.00 in the car to leave. My wife has the reins in such outings, so there was little space in time. Hence decided not to join the pigeons on the 2nd middle distance race. I thought it was too bad that I could not play the hens. They sit on eggs and well connected. This Saturday, the 1st one-day on the program so I have some more hope for a slightly better result. Saturday they give nice again so it could well be beautiful flight. I got a little used to the one-day flights so I'll be quite disappointed if the birds do not get better than the last middle distance races. I'm the hens this week sometime laps in preparation . I look at it this flight. I wish everyone good luck and I will say again the next time. Oh yeah, I want to thank everyone for the comments on my pieces on the site especially the bit about love club does have the e.e.a. released at various lovers and associations.

12 May 2019

I have received many comments on my previous post on my site about the club love. There were reactions that asked who the people were!!, also comments that they had experienced something like the same experience. But most of the reaction was surely the fact that one is surprised about the fact that there still roam lovers who are not concerned with the interests of the sport. And be it in a club or regional or national level. Although the number of members each year decreases rapidly there will always be people who just do it for their own gain and glory. And now we all hope that the new plan in which 2021 presented a change will cause. I help you with hope, in my goodbye is a noble pursuit. The pilots now taking place in New Zealand with a new GPS clocking system, which is now claimed and spoken about in the corridors that will replace the existing recording systems. My thought is like that actually happen, existing systems hit nothing worth. Provided that a trade action comes but I have read nothing about. And the cost issue, how many members we think 2021 yet actually have. The less members the higher costs, it is the principle of supply and demand. Also, it may be recruited not yet quite clear to me how to get more members and what the expectations thereof. Overall a cautionary note, but that does not mean that I am an opponent. No far from it all. There will be something to be done and I hope that the plan 2021 the prelude to a beautiful and better pigeon will in all its facets. But you do change the mentality of the loner, selfish, the individualist with. I do not think so, antisocial behavior within an association, or these players will continue to show at what level. There is still a lot of work to do, which I hope is not in vain all the work. Now back to the last flight. Since last Monday the breeding cocks definitively linked to the hens. It was pretty easy the cocks have experience and that is handy at all yearling hens. I was the last time a bit too optimistic that the hens could have made their 1st egg. This week could adjust that matter more to reality. So I want this week just look at what is feasible in terms of 2nd middle distance race. If the hens are about to make, I would rather not play for sure because the yearling hens that still need to learn the game. But it remains to be seen. Now just the flight I had 6 hens with the 1st middle distance race , the pigeons are released to 11.45 with NW wind later turning to N-NO so a tough vluchtje. I had estimated that the pigeons ± 4 1/2 would fly over and patted reasonable. Except “you understand all “not with me, I clocked the first pigeon to 16.58 almost three minutes later, although this time was still a tail low price. So it indicated that it was a tough flight. But what worried me more concerned was the fact that I refuse to pass 2 pigeons had home. I could see the pigeons not go home because I had to take off our daughter to Schiphol. During the return trip haunted it anyway through your head if there already are more pigeons at home. Finally arrived home straight to the loft and luckily they were all within the six 4 latecomers were waiting for the door to their cocks in the propagator. Now back to work for the next flight, I hope they will put the beginning of the week and mid 2nd egg. Good thing I do not get yourself in hand. I will say again the next time.

Club love

In my Column in “Rail”club about love, I wrote that I was with an older couple for my work to e.e.a. perform to paint n.a.v. a renovation project. Now I received last week a coupon for a repair request at the same address. It was after the renovation was a small leak and I had to repair the walls of the toilet and recoating. It was a small job so I was a poop and fart finished work. Like the last time the woman of the house gave me a cup of coffee. I had not yet Geschaft so that was good and I was able to eat a sandwich. Mother the woman poured a cup of coffee, pulled the coat took the bag and went just like last time again shopping. I sat at the same table in the same place. As I picked up my lunchbox, I shoved the newspaper and some papers on the table were some aside. The old man looked at me and pointed silently to a paper that was on the table. (Minutes of a meeting) Back there he put immediately shore. My son yesterday went to the meeting of the new club. And he continued to me it's a nice club, with fun lovers. When he said that I felt the "but" all aankomen.De top player who had kept his secret transfer long and almost made via a press conference announced his arrival was also, He continued with his story. I asked if he himself had joined the new club of his son. No, I do not start anymore, I help my son a little with the pigeons and Saturday I'm going to waylay. I think that is more than enough. you, he put a little annoyed shore is really unteachable whether it is an egoist. It is believed he continued with lofty voice. He was clearly the top player. The man continued his story, really trying everything to keep playing his own game. I looked at him a bit puzzled. It seems to me I said "that have their own rules and vision of a new club. And that most members do not leave fob off. Furthermore, I think if I hear so, that there is a competent administration that can respond adequately and control. And represents the interests of each member, because everyone pays the same fee. And has the same rights and obligations, and everyone contributes to the welfare of the club. You'd think he said "he simply resumes where it stopped when the club lifted them. He tries everything again put his hand he went on relentlessly. He has given himself some committee within the club. I also heard in the corridors that club members have received several youngsters from him. He tries to win souls, and nodded his head with disapproval. Could it not be that it is all new to him and that he's just insecure person 'I asked'. That's all he said, visibly annoyed game, He plays a game he has always done and will continue to do. How and what to do before it does not matter. All for their own gain and glory, that is his credo. Meanwhile, the woman of the house came back home and had heard her husband. 'Oh,' she said, it's time again, He is making himself busy again the pigeon club. He winked at me and nodded toward his wife. Everyone also has its good sides, they said, he responded compassionately and growled softly that he had not yet found. but, he sighed, it will take my time. I hope that the sport is still a long life. Because how you went at it the sport for me is the best sport there. And as my father ever said "To think of yourself you do not have to be in pairs".

6 May 2019

For me and my pigeons third vluchtje. The weather was not really to write home about, a bit bleak and occasionally heavy rain. With around ten o'clock even hail and sleet. The pigeons were released to 10.00 hour with NW winds and are between the showers to fly home. What I understood from the stories, the flight went well. I myself have been given little flight, I had a couple visclubje (fishing behind the net) planned an afternoon of fishing in a trout well so I was eleven o'clock all the way to Vortum Mullem, it had to happen. The fishing was good around five o'clock there were 38 trout in the joint net, a nice catch. In the cafeteria there, drank a beer and then back home. My pigeons mate Tonnie had brought the clock to turn in the club and on the way home I got the results constantly through the app. I had 1 dove awards (34)an intermediate low price but good compared to last week, a slight improvement. It was also the 1 drawn hen. So I can be myself again this week at the chest beating what I look like pigeons. Next week it'll be very different. I had 7 hens with, I had Saturday 6 home and 1 is left behind. I have hens last week linked completed the cocks with breeding cocks. I can only play with the hens this year, because I have 2 cocks are no longer can they come flying in the breeding loft fly but there is no more. So gradually the game is on the car and I still hope to participate a little bit. I do not have very high expectations but there is always hope. Next week, the first middle distance race, I hope that the hens have laid so I can play them. We await!!!!! I will say again the next time.

1 May 2019

We are in the month of May, and May all birds lay an egg except the cuckoo and the blade laying in the month of May not. Most birds have already laid their first egg and the young sprouts fly out long and wide their circle s in the air. Going back to the flight of the last week. It was a somewhat autumnal day with low temperatures. The pigeons were liberated at 12.40 with SSW wind 3 and between the showers come home. I have not fully pigeons on widowhood, so you have to hope for a toevalstreffertje. If 14.49 was the first pigeon on the roof and refused to immediately enter. Even I got the feeling that this pigeon could well be on time, but that feeling was gone right back. The reality of course is that the birds certainly have no multiforme and they have yet to be properly attached to play the game widowhood. I had a tail with low price 1 hen, Initially, there I will say. On to the next flight and hope it goes a little better. I wish everyone a lot of success for the next flight, and I will say again the next time.

21 april 2019

The second race has evaporated, it was a lovely day, well above the 20 degrees. The wind was O- NO so for my pigeons still a pretty tough vluchtje for the first time this season. I had total 8 birds that I could join. The last training is one stayed away and 2 injured at home. So I could 6 hens and 2 playing cocks. It was a beautiful day to work outside our home. I need not bore me to attend because there is still plenty of work to do. So between the work by watching once or pigeons are released and then back to work. A buddy of mine came to help me to make the outer wall insulation to an old moored facade. Paste a decent job Styrofoam plates against the wall. It's a perfect system you basically makes a new facade and also well insulated too. But so far the work. The pigeons were liberated at 9.45 and they had to ± 160 discard km. I had calculated that between myself 11.45 in 12.00 pigeons had to fall. This calculation knocked nice, except “you guessed it” not with me. I had not counted on but hoped for an early dove. That is not to come. Is vielen about 12.22 3 hens 10 second, be the 1st-drawn first on the valve, though. But otherwise it was a good flight for my pigeons 13.29 was the last pigeon on the valve. All 8 pigeons back home, so again the next week and gradually I hope we get some progress books so they have to deal with the middle distance and one day better the condition and that I was on these flights a small role significant to play. The game now is for me the car, and yet shows a great feeling. It just remains a great sport, which I definitely will surprise again this year. I will say again the next time.

16 april 2019

The first race is over, I could not participate unfortunately pigeons. I sat at home glued with a nasty stomach flu Shit boring and I was sick of shit I will say. It was a cold Saturday and why I thought it was not so much that the birds did not participate. As I have already said several times my interest lies not entirely with the Vitesse flights, but that does not mean that I still like them let fly. It is the 2nd year that I play at the new location. I have 11 are yearlings 4 doffers en 7 hens so I have a bit of viegelieren how to play the game. I do not expect that I will play a big role, but hope to have occasional nice result then I would have been very happy. By contrast, I expect the youngsters do a thing. They fly right around house, there are far from healthy, and so far no losses yet. You never know when youngsters, but I am so far very pleased. I have total 36 and I will have to make do with. I hope I keep enough youngsters this year so that I can properly select and fill well in the loft of the old birds, so that I 8 couples can build to fly them. But that's for next season. Now to reality, on the next flight A. S. Saturday. It promises to be a beautiful nice day so the weather will not be . I rejoice therefore have to see the pigeons for the 1st time this season at home. Still a little planning might take a bit away and then they should be able. I'm confident in , I wish everyone good luck with the upcoming flight. I will say again the next time.

9 april 2019

Last Saturday was the training at Tilburg I had total 11 pigeons. My buddy Tonnie had the pigeons basketed at the club. I was for a couple of days fishing in Ireland with a friend of mine. We had saved a number of years to predators abroad, and this year was the day. We have 3 days fishing on beautiful waters in a beautiful setting in a beautiful country. The catches were not very spectacular, but enough to look back with a good feeling on this vacation. Anyway the training flight from Tilburg as I now can see reasonably well, 11 , and 10 back. It's disappointing and it never went as pigeons not coming home but that is inherent in the sport. This week to prepare the birds again for the first sprint race of ± 140 km I try to get to the start as possible and hope for early bird. So I have the real motivation is still missing pigeons are not on widowhood. But the racing season has begun and it still gives always healthy tension and challenge for every flight. I look forward again to stare at the sky the upcoming flight again and see if there is a dot to see who later on will cover countries. Always a goosebumps moment. I wish everyone a very happy flight and good luck. I will say again the next time.

2 april 2019

Last weekend for the first time trained pigeons. About a race of 10 km is more than enough for the first time. They had flown around the house all week and that went well, So the time is come buggy. How do you turn or reverses the still always exciting the first training flight. When I got home there was no sign of dove, I was twenty minutes before the first home 6 flew in domestic pigeons. fifteen minutes afterwards there were still 3, So with an hour 9 pigeons home over a distance of 10 km.!!!!!! The form is still not really got there fedusie in that as the season progresses it will get better. Anyway the last 2 pigeons were respectively 1 hours 2 hours later, when the first pigeons so they have been traveling ff. Let there he just say they have learned a lot. This weekend they first go on the training I'm confident that they'll come home, and at this stage in the form in which the birds find themselves now that the highest. I will say again the next time.