25 May 2017

Today is Ascension Day, a day, So take some time to write a piece. I find it always nice to write a piece as long as you take the time to take. Today is a day off and have therefore resolved to keep me mostly occupied with the devilment and a piece there should also write. It is always good between all drukkigheden by occasional relaxing day. You just ff can spend more time with your family and hobbies. We have friends visiting we have breakfast with always cozy. This afternoon my pigeons mate Tonnie by to help instill the youngsters against lice. If we dropped the youngsters have I put them in the basket and I'll put them away for the 1st time to focus on I think a 1 a 2 kilometer, is sufficient for the first time. Then prepare the cocks for the first one-day race from Gien ± 520 km. I go there 5 play 3 yearling 2 perennial cocks. I'm excited and I'm very curious how they're going to bring it from. Last year the 868 still 9th ​​best ace in the circle , but there was more in such as was often the case with me, I was there the last-day flight all wrong. So this year later linked another approach the first flight to the nest and make a great young fly and now since 3 weeks widowhood. It's wait and see whether the new approach will be to finish paying off because we have used this method. Beginning of the year, adjusted the loft, the roof we have adapted and is lined with isoplaten to 10 cm of the cam . This is to get a better ventilation. I think it's a real improvement , given the performance of the pigeons 18th , 29e on the Vitesse in the circuit of ± 2500 doves and a 1st from the middle distance of ± 2300 pigeons. In itself beautiful performance, still be hit and miss but there certainly is a good progress in t.o.v. last year. So all in all I am a happy person and therefore have great confidence in the arrivals. Tonight my wife and I are still ride Schiphol planning. Our oldest daughter has a friend made a trip to Italy with destination Rome and Vatican City. It's nice to see your own children to explore the world and do things that gives them a challenge and where they learn many of. They sent photos and videos of various buildings with wall and ceiling paintings (frescos) . It is wonderful to see how they mature and interested in a piece of history. They are becoming more independent and then you notice that you as a parent to play a different role, I find it sometimes a little hard to let go of everything, but they need to develop themselves on the other side and want my wife and I really do not stand in the way. We are both our daughters as proud as a peacock, and know that they are as good man stabbing each. Having said this, I'm going to end the knitting business just came. I wish you a fine Ascension or as my mother said, “Enjoy life and enjoy all that it is for the first time”. Until next week I will again say.

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