We are very much in the autumn weather, it is rainy inclement weather the leaves on the trees have beautiful colors and blown by the wind in the branches. Here in home runs coughing the whole family, to sneeze, proesten a tea snot creator. These are the verschijnseleen who belong to this time of year. Luckily we are in terms of taking care of the pigeons in the quiet season and I can suffice in recent days with clean water and food, and not much engaged in the duivelary. The upcoming period will focus meetings , honourings, fairs and making plans for the new season. B.V. how does the flying look ? some come for proposals are losses to the problem of the youngsters,? how to keep the sport affordable ? and of course what is the future of the sport. This last question keep me quite busy lately. How long can we go on like this with the sport? , if we have already accepted us that the sport in the current way not foreseeable future will go to the souls. I hope that soon something will happen , I have now understood that the NPO board is seriously trying to analyze the current way of pigeon racing. I wish them a lot of wisdom in it !!!!!. I also wrote last week that I want to do some adjustments to the loft. I 2 pens and I have both the lofts on the front aluminum outer race. The hold applications i.a.. in. on the front and back of the lofts to close the vent just below the tiles. In addition, the races are completely covered , except the front remains open in this way “open box system” to create, and also to prevent any drafts in the loft. The ridge of the roof, I want to change the so-called kippennok, ie an increase in the rafters worth while for you to put a flat finishing approximately 3 a 4 cm is clear of the pans, creating a chimney effect that I can control with the sliders in the ceiling depending on the wind. I think that this adjustment for a more controllable environment will take care of my lofts. It's always wait and see what the consequences of these changes for the pigeons. The youngsters from next year will be immediately placed in this environment, for yearlings and old birds is a change that hopefully works out. Furthermore, the birds moult well I give them 2 weekly colombine tea plus muitzaad and garlic. And then they get 3 times per week over the feed sedochol . The first 4 for weeks 100% moulting mixture had every day new grit. na 4 weeks I'm going to run some adjusting 4 Share moulting mixture 1 share breeding mixture and 1/2 some candy seeds. And further 2 weekly tea with garlic and 3 sedochol times over the food. They also get daily fresh grit with seaweed, magnesium powder and even more minerals. And of course, every week a bath found the pigeons delicious , a little lukewarm water with some bath salts and a dash of vinegar. Wonderful to watch them like a tin of sardines in the bath abut, and then lie down to dry with the wings apart. Moulting and draws heavily on the birds and at this time they allowed it for nothing for the next breeding and racing dates back well to be the start. That's it, many pigeons fun and the next week I will say.
23 October 2016
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