Gradually comes a little rest. For now though, calm before the storm so to speak. Spring is coming which means that it will start out painting season. And with our new home are also still some work as the garden, build new barn, and the exterior paintwork 2 storage should be finished. I want to do a little gefaceerd so I still keep a little time for family and pigeons. It is nice that I can now live and work at the same location. The pigeon season is around the corner. Last year alone flown with the youngsters at the new location. I 11 pigeons kept and with this team I'm going to start this year the pigeon season. Being 7 hens and 4 doffers. I'm more or less play double widowhood, I say more or less because the cocks are ondertal. I am coming 3 cocks too short and that I fill with breeding cocks. It is a transitional year so I did not lie so high the bar. I hope for some good results. I want to focus on the middle distance and middle distance. For these disciplines, you need pigeons for being there. I hope this year to make the first steps and through selection and any new supplement suitable for the mid and middle distance. So for now challenge enough. I will say again the next time.
20 February 2019
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