We are in the month of May, and May all birds lay an egg except the cuckoo and the blade laying in the month of May not. Most birds have already laid their first egg and the young sprouts fly out long and wide their circle s in the air. Going back to the flight of the last week. It was a somewhat autumnal day with low temperatures. The pigeons were liberated at 12.40 with SSW wind 3 and between the showers come home. I have not fully pigeons on widowhood, so you have to hope for a toevalstreffertje. If 14.49 was the first pigeon on the roof and refused to immediately enter. Even I got the feeling that this pigeon could well be on time, but that feeling was gone right back. The reality of course is that the birds certainly have no multiforme and they have yet to be properly attached to play the game widowhood. I had a tail with low price 1 hen, Initially, there I will say. On to the next flight and hope it goes a little better. I wish everyone a lot of success for the next flight, and I will say again the next time.
1 May 2019
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