04 March 2018

It is almost 3 weeks since my last letter. The past few weeks have been awfully busy with preparations related to the purchase of our new home. And that takes a lot of energy, I can tell you, you will be simply tired of where you now have to meet in order to get around funding, especially if you're self-employed. I include the annual figures from the past 3 year, the forecast of the upcoming year,, solvency, and that same story goes for my wife. In addition, the assessed property to buy or have the value that they have in mind, so that appraisers need engineers and bench guys again about a pee. And just when you think you've seen it all goes your age testify to weather and they want to know everything about your retirement and whether there are records with the BKR . Because you can now not recorded best BKR because the amount you would like to borrow it downgraded. There are, inter alia. a credit on your checking account , a mobile phone or a car you lease, and if you had a bad credit in the past. All this will mean taken before you even qualify for funding. I hear regularly advertising on radio and television pass is a bank that says you can have a mortgage within a week of each other. Well I'll tell you, we have 3 weeks have needed before we had all the paperwork together to Überhaupt to apply for a mortgage and afterwards 2 weeks to complete the additions to the documents that you had submitted. But now there is a glimmer of light on the horizon as our mortgage adviser, Friday he had been all in green on the laptop indeed, but the light was green and now we are waiting for final confirmation in writing, so we can put a signature and it really is final and we can actually keep us busy remodeling (renovation) our new home. As I wrote before I run the loft and sputniks've sold many things have already been retrieved. Besides the loft that is collected within the next several weeks. The recording system with antennas I have not sold as well as the doves. And for the latter, I found prepares a fellow enthusiast I can temporarily put the pigeons in his loft. I was started growing and had a first round are pigeons, i deliver my buddy pigeons Tonnie . The provisional location where my birds get stuck I want to grow thirty pigeons to fly soon as our new residential area with the boy. So next week the racing and breeding pigeons are coupled again and I hope that in late April the youngsters over to their new homes to loft. It will also be much in the sign next year by growing our new home and in between I try to find relaxation in the loft so I can fly along again next year with the yearlings. And as my mother ever said ” often the road to it is better than the destination” I will say again the next time.

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